Constantly Connected

The Need for Public Access

Constant information and the ability to keep in touch using email and all other types of social media anywhere. These are the priorities in this modern age of information and communications, for all types of consumers.

This is why many Retailers are offering their customers access to the Internet via WiFi or wired terminals.

Be it via wired or wireless LAN: Yo Wireless allows you to set up secure Internet access accounts – quickly and easily.

Landing Page Options?

Flexible creation
Setup per location or group
Multiple Language options available
Customised to customer request
On mobile and regular browsers & OS’s

Authentication Options?

Simple authentication (agreed T&Cs only)
Email authentication
SMS authentication
Facebook authentication
Loyalty card systems, PMS systems
Any other third party database
Voucher code
Integrated with Application

Authentication Management?

We can set parameters for different types of authentication.
Bandwidth limitation per type of Customer
Limited time per time period
Up & Download limitations per time period
Slow speed general access , high-speed loyalty access
Mac authentication 2.0 (we recognize previous visitors)

Post Authentication Options?

After authentication, we can redirect the Client to any website required. This could be a general page, under your control so that you can give specific information, it could be a Location specific page, giving them local information.

Content can be controlled using a ‘content filter’, this will ensure that only family friendly content can be viewed and protect your Customers and your image.

AAA Radius Authentication provides secure communication for the visitor’s details whilst ensuring your business complies with any and all known regulations for public internet access. YoWireless can interact with existing on-premise infrastructure to enable secure public internet access without compromising any current network.

The data collected through YoWireless is separated and remains anonymous unless the visitors agree by opting into the services and campaigns such as you, the retailer mandates within the guidance of Data Protection Regulations. In all cases, data belongs to the retailer and is at their disposal, where appropriate notification has been extended and accepted by the customer/user.

YoWireless never charge retailers or other venues for accessing data as long as it remains within the law.

Yo Wireless is a SaaS solution
for WiFi providers.

Don't delay, call today.
Constantly In Touch

Guest Analytics, live action at your fingertips

Connecting with your Customer

Engage and learn about your customer, manage their expectations and be part of their journey

Brand Engagement

We stand alone in ensuring it is your brand that connects to your customers, not ours.

Data Analytics

By connecting with your customer, you can gather the right analytical data to deliver the best experience.

Protecting you and your visitor

AAA Authentication, GDPR Compliant, DNS content filtering, Child Friendly registered, backed up by a non invasive, cloud based platform.

Location-Based Marketing

In context marketing, (not spam), engage with your customer at granular level by knowing who they are and messaging them as an individual not as a counter.

Landing Page Logins

From social media, voucher codes, SMS, CRM integration, we allow all versions of allowing you to engage with your customers, at the press of a radio button.

Redirect Strategies

Redirect your visitors to specific website pages, depending on who they are & there visiting habits, discount codes, personalising there visits.

Patented Beacons

We patented our own beacons that provide the most accurate level of integration on the market, down to 1 metre and live data, all powered over WiFi.

Global Offering

We are truly a global provider, working in 54 countries, all follow all national legislations